Please add Passport Shipping to carriors

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Lauren Baker

(use for US shipment to Canada)


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Rush Team

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Lauren Baker

Our store website is: www.yourheights.com/
We are not currently using Rush, but are hoping to switch over if you have an integration for Passport Shipping as this is what we use for orders going from the US into Canada (didn't see it listed on the carriers list), but if you do have it that's great to know! Here is an example of a tracking link so you can confirm: track.passportshipping.com/TFPG5171045591CA


Rush Team

Hi Layren,

Thank you for sharing details about your store and current setup. Based on the information you've provided, you'll be pleased to know that while we don't have a direct integration with Passport Shipping, our system seamlessly integrates with Shopify. Passport Shipping updates Shopify, and since Rush pulls tracking numbers from Shopify, you can essentially think of it as being "indirectly integrated".

I understand you've also been in touch with one of our customer success representatives. At this point, we're eager and ready for you to begin installing and setting up for your store.

Do reach out if you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can assist with.


Rush Team

Hi Lauren, can you share more about your request and what are your specific needs related to Passport Shipping? As far as we see, it is actually a Shipment Tracking Solution.
Also, can you include your store website?