
Enhancements to the Shipment Search and Dashboard functionalities.

We rolled out several enhancements to the Shipment Search and Dashboard functionalities.

Key improvements include the addition of a filter by the destination country and several specialized filtering options:

  • Domestic Shipments: Those beginning and ending within the same country.
  • International Shipments: Those originating in one country and delivered in another.
  • Returned Shipments: Those sent back to the sender or origin or returned elsewhere.
  • Expired Shipments: We no longer track these shipments due to a lack of updates from the carrier for over 40 days. The Expired status will be phased out, and such shipments will remain in their last known state. Still, merchants will be able to retract them on demand.
  • Stalled Shipments: Shipments with delays as reported by the carrier.
  • Problematic Shipments: Shipments that are delayed, returned, or have any delivery-related issues.
  • Muted Shipments: Shipments for which we won't send notifications. For example, if they're added 24 hours after a delivery event, and the status is delivered, we won't send it. Users can choose to unmute these manually. We've also introduced an option for users to specify which shipments shouldn't trigger notifications by muting them. You can see all muted shipments with the bell icon in the shipment search.

Additionally, we've enabled customers to click and filter shipments from the dashboard page directly.